Lets read more about Amalie Wichmann

Amalie Wichmann, a Danish Handball player who is currently playing in the team of Horsens HK. Amalie Wichmann was born on on March 4th of 1995, in Vallensbaek Strand Denmark. Amalie is an Danish professionally-trained handball athlete. Amalie is 6 feet in height, and currently is 28. Her current status is in a relationship. There is no relationship with her. No information is available about She and her previous relationships. According to the databases, she does not have any children. Between 2022 and 2023, her net worth increased substantially. What is Amalie worth at the age of 28? Amalie is a very successful athlete. She is Danish. We've estimated Amalie Wichmann's net worth money salary income and assets. Amalie was born on the 6th of January 1990 in Denmark. She is a Danish Model 33 years of age. Her zodiac number is Capricorn.Amalie Wichmann was engaged to James F. Goldstein (2013 between 2013 and 2014) as well as Mehcad Brooks (2012 - 2013).

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